The T.E.A.M (Transition-Empowerment-Advocacy-Mindset) LEADERS HUDDLE is a weekly online event designed to empower veterans through peer-to-peer leadership engagement. Held every Tuesday evening from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, this platform is a space where leaders can be led, learn from their experiences, and leverage these insights to serve others. The huddle operates on principles of Trust, Transparency, and Tolerance, fostering a supportive community where participants can lean into life and grow together.
Meet John Sterling
John Sterling is a medically retired U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer and a former Military Intelligence professional who served his country with distinction. As a certified U.S. Army Master Resiliency Trainer, John taught critical resiliency skills to hundreds of service members and their families across the globe. Following his retirement, he channeled his expertise into the veteran non-profit sector, founding Azimuth Leadership, LLC in 2017. This unique organization focuses on “behavioral health leadership” through culturally competent engagements and conversations within sports, military, educational, and healthcare communities.
“The T.E.A.M LEADERS HUDDLE is a weekly conversational platform where
LEADERS can be LED. Our principles of engagement start with the words
TRUST, TRANSPARENCY & TOLERANCE which encourage leaders to
LEAN into life…LEARN from its experiences…and LEVERAGE them with those they serve.”
– John Sterling
Special Guests and Highlights
The T.E.A.M LEADERS HUDDLE regularly features special guests who bring unique perspectives and insights to our community. Recent guests include Marine Veteran David Duffy and Dr. B. Nilaja Green, PhD, an expert in trauma-sensitive leadership. These sessions provide invaluable opportunities for participants to engage with and learn from accomplished leaders.
Are you a veteran looking to connect, grow, and heal with a community of peers? Join us every Tuesday evening for the T.E.A.M LEADERS HUDDLE. Whether you’re seeking support, leadership development, or simply a place to share your experiences, our huddle is open to all veterans.
- Date and Time:
Every Tuesday, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM - Location:
Online via Zoom - Registration:
First-timers must register here.
For more information, please email programs@AboutFace-USA.org or call +1 888 766 0222.